1. Seacoast-Portable Power Cable
    Seacoast-US Navy Shipboard Cable MIL-DTL-24643 P1
    Seacoast-US Navy Shipboard Cable MIL-DTL-24643 P2
    Seacoast-US Navy Shipboard Cable MIL-DTL-24643 P3
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    Seacoast-LS6SGU/LS6SGA MIL-DTL-24643/19 US Navy Shipboard Cable 美國海事船舶軍規電線

    商品編號: Seacoast-LS6SGU

    LS6SGU/LS6SGA MIL-DTL-24643/19 US Navy Shipboard Cable 美國海

    US Navy Shipboard Cable > MIL-DTL-24643

    Six Conductor, Silicone and Glass insulation, cross-linked polyolefin jacket, low smoke, aluminum armor and paint

    6芯, 矽橡膠玻璃絲編織+XLpolyolefin外被覆  低煙 可選擇金屬鎧裝

    Power & Lighting Cables Power & Light
    Types LS6SGU, LS6SGA
    6 Conductors, 1000 Volts • Watertight, Non-Flexing Service • MIL-C-24643/19
    Stranded uncoated copper conductor, silicone rubber-glass tape insulation, Letter Identification Code by Method 5.
    Six conductors (two each of Letters A, B, C) cabled in sequence ABC, fillers binder or combination binder/barrier.
    LS6SGU: cross-linked polyolefin jacket, surface marking. LS6SGA: cross-linked polyolefin jacket braided aluminum
    armor, paint.