LAPP- ÖLFLEX® HEAT 260 GLS工業級(耐高溫防磨損 化學溶劑)鐵氟龍鋼網隔離連接線 Steel armoured PTFE Fixed installation: -190°C up to +260°C temporary: +300°C
Steel armoured PTFE cables for increased mechanical stress
Close-meshed braid made of galvanised steel wires protects against mechanical damage; Thin outer diameters for maximum saving of space and weight; Germanischer Lloyd approval for use atship diesel engines Application range - Extremely high temperatures in addition with mechanical stress require special insulated and armoured cables
- Main applications- Ship building- Signal systems- Monitoring devices- Diesel engines- Steam boiler units- Turbine manufacture
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玉山 / 台新 / 華南 / 萬泰 / 兆豐 / 遠東 / 新光 / 永豐 / 第一 / 彰化 / 合庫 / 日盛 / 匯豐 / 渣打國泰世華 / 台北富邦 / 大眾銀行 / 台灣中小企銀/台中商銀 / 澳盛銀行
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| | Design - Fine strands of nickel-plated copper wires
- PTFE based core insulation
- Cores twisted together
- Impregnated glass fibre braiding
- Galvanised steel wire braiding
Product features - Difficult to inflame
- Stress tearing resistant under frequently ambient thermal fluctuations
- High dielectric strength and high abrasion resistance
- High elongation resistance and tear strength
- Only suitable for installation in dry conditions
0091120 | 2 X 1,5 | 5,7 | 29 | 93 | | 0091121 | 3 G 1,5 | 6,1 | 43 | 102 | | 00911223 | 4 G 1,5 | 6,6 | 58 | 130 | | 00911233 | 5 G 1,5 | 7,3 | 72 | 149 | | 0091124 | 7 G 1,5 | 8 | 101 | 180 | |
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