Cold- and oil resistant cables for flexible application under torsional load, halogen free - 0,6/1 kV
The special construction compensates reliably the permanent torsional movements inside of windmills between the nacelle and the tower; The high flexibility and the good dismantleand stripping properties enable easy space-saving cable installation and fast processing; Saltwater resistant for On- and Off-Shoreapplication; FRNC = Flame Retardant Non Corrosive- Reduction of flame propagation and density and toxicity of smoke gases in event of fire- Minimisation of damage to buildings and production facilities- Safety for maintenance staff resp. in areas with high personnel concen- tration; The copper wrapping of the screened Dversion protects against electromagneticinterference
The special construction compensates reliably the permanent torsional movements inside of windmills between the nacelle and the tower; The high flexibility and the good dismantleand stripping properties enable easy space-saving cable installation and fast processing; Saltwater resistant for On- and Off-Shoreapplication; FRNC = Flame Retardant Non Corrosive- Reduction of flame propagation and density and toxicity of smoke gases in event of fire- Minimisation of damage to buildings and production facilities- Safety for maintenance staff resp. in areas with high personnel concen- tration; The copper wrapping of the screened Dversion protects against electromagneticinterference
Application range
- For fixed, flexible as well as for torsional moved applications in the field of machinery building and wind power plant engineering
- Especially for the drip loop installation between the rotating nacelle and the stationary windmill tower to connect the generator and control units
- As torsional moved cable for application in North America with UL WTTC Listing (Wind Turbine Tray Cable) we recommend ÖLFLEX® FORTIS which complies to the NFPA 79 standard resp. UL 2277 and UL 6140 outline