1. LAPP- Hook up Wire-電子線
    LAPP- ÖLFLEX® TRUCK SPIRAL ABS 拖 卡車等使用螺旋繞曲可伸縮用電線
    LAPP- Special applications工業級連接線
    LAPP-Automotive Primary Wire-汽車用電線
    LAPP-Field Bus and Industrial Ethernet Cable (工業級乙太網路)
    LAPP-High Temperature Flexible Control Cable (耐高溫移動式電纜)
    LAPP-OLFLEX®-Oil Resistant Flexible UL/CSA Control Cables
    LAPP-Pendant & Reel Cable 耐拉式天車電纜
    LAPP-SOLAR-Power and control cables 太陽能用(電力線 / 控制線)
    LAPP-Torsional Robotic Cable(可扭轉式機器人用線)
    LAPP-UNITRONIC-Continuous Flex Data Cable (長效性耐彎曲訊號資訊線)
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    首頁 > > LAPP-OLFLEX®-Oil Resistant Flexible UL/CSA Control Cables

    LAPP-OLFLEX CLASSIC 110 H Oil Resistant, Halogen-Free Control Cables 低煙無鹵電力及控制電纜

    商品編號: LAPP-OLFLEX-CLASSIC-110H, google, yahoo, 谷歌

    LAPP OLFLEX CLASSIC 110 H Oil Resistant, Halogen-Free Control Cables 低煙無鹵電力及控制電纜

    ■ 應用範圍
    • 環保型低煙無鹵(LSHF)動力電纜
    • 用於乾燥和潮濕的室內電氣安裝
    • 特別用於中等機械應力的工業環境
    • 適合作為動力及連接電纜用於固定及移動但

    ■ 國際認證 CE, ROHS

    ■ 產品特性
    • 採用無鹵材料,不會產生有毒物質
    • 特殊耐油性,可用於潮濕環境下的機器設備
    • 鍍錫銅絲編織隔離網,可安裝在因受電氣干
    • 機場、火車站等公共場合 • 機械 • 設備
    • 機車車輛 • 空調與製冷設備安裝
    • 資料處理 • 辦公自動化設備
    • 任何有火災危險的區域及人員或貴重財產

    ■ 電纜結構
    • 多股細絞成束細裸銅絲導體
    • 特殊無鹵混合料芯線絕緣
    • 芯線絞合成纜
    • 特殊無鹵混合料外護套,銀灰色
    (RAL 7001)
    結構與 ÖLFLEX® CLASSIC 110 H相同,但
    增加 :
    • 鍍錫銅絲編織隔離網


    OLFLEX® CLASSIC 110 H is a halogen-free, multi-conductor control and power cable with improved oil resistance and flame protection. It is for use in all electrical equipment in dry or damp conditions. It is UV resistant at normal temperatures and is available unshielded and shielded.

    Recommended Applications:
    Amusement rides, Theater stages and other areas where human safety is a concern. Also suitable, on machinery due to its improved oil resistance.

    Application Advantage:
    • Completely recyclable, low toxicity of smoke gases (NES 713 Part 3) and low smoke density (IEC 61034)
    • No flame propagation for cables > 18/7c
       (IEC 60332-3-24) and flame retardant
       (IEC 60332-1-2)
    • Oil resistant (SEV TB 20 B)
    • Hydrolysis resistant (HD 22.10)

    OLFLEX® CLASSIC 110 H Construction:
    Finely stranded bare copper conductors, halogen-free polymer compound, specially formulated oil resistant gray halogen-free polymer jacket

    Minimum Bend Radius  
      for installation: 4 x cable diameter
    Temperature Range: -40°C to +80°C
    Nominal Voltage: 300/500V
    Test Voltage: 4000V
    Conductor stranding: Fine wire per VDE 0295, Class 5, IEC 60228 Cl.5
    Color code: Black with white numbers, plus green/yellow ground
    Approvals: Based on VDE Specifications
      Conforms to CE Directives

    Part Number Number of Conductors
    includes ground
    Outer Diameter
    inches mm lbs/mft kg/km
    21 AWG (16/32) 0.50 mm?/font>
    0019901 3 0.217 5.5 32 47
    0019903 4 0.232 5.9 38 57
    0019905 5 0.256 6.5 44 66
    0019906 7 0.295 7.5 57 85
    0019907 12 0.335 8.5 89 133
    18 AWG (32/32) 1.00 mm?/font>
    0019961 3 0.244 6.2 49 73
    0019963 4 0.268 9.8 57 85
    0019965 5 0.291 7.4 71 105
    0019967 7 0.362 9.2 88 131
    0019969 12 0.433 11.0 148 220
    0019971 18 0.504 12.8 212 315
    0019972 25 0.634 16.1 302 449
    16 AWG (30/30) 1.50 mm?/font>
    0019931 3 0.272 6.9 64 95
    0019932 4 0.295 7.5 79 117
    0019933 5 0.339 8.6 97 144
    0019934 7 0.417 10.6 123 183
    0019935 12 0.484 12.3 206 307
    0019937 18 0.567 14.4 312 465
    0019938 25 0.732 18.6 440 655
    14 AWG (50/30) 2.50 mm?/font>
    0019945 3 0.346 8.8 102 152
    0019946 4 0.378 9.6 129 192
    0019947 5 0.433 11.0 163 243
    0019948 7 0.508 12.9 208 310
    0019949 12 0.598 15.2 352 524
    12 AWG (56/28) 4 mm?/font>
    0019950 4 0.441 11.2 201 299
    0019951 5 0.480 12.2 244 363
    0019952 7 0.567 14.4 328 488
    10 AWG (84/28) 6 mm?/font>
    0019953 4 0.520 13.2 323 480
    0019954 5 0.587 14.9 392 583
    0019975 7 0.693 17.6 525 782