1. LAPP- Hook up Wire-電子線
    LAPP- ÖLFLEX® TRUCK SPIRAL ABS 拖 卡車等使用螺旋繞曲可伸縮用電線
    LAPP- Special applications工業級連接線
    LAPP-Automotive Primary Wire-汽車用電線
    LAPP-Field Bus and Industrial Ethernet Cable (工業級乙太網路)
    LAPP-High Temperature Flexible Control Cable (耐高溫移動式電纜)
    LAPP-OLFLEX®-Oil Resistant Flexible UL/CSA Control Cables
    LAPP-Pendant & Reel Cable 耐拉式天車電纜
    LAPP-SOLAR-Power and control cables 太陽能用(電力線 / 控制線)
    LAPP-Torsional Robotic Cable(可扭轉式機器人用線)
    LAPP-UNITRONIC-Continuous Flex Data Cable (長效性耐彎曲訊號資訊線)
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    首頁 > > LAPP-Pendant & Reel Cable 耐拉式天車電纜

    LAPP OLFLEX CRANE F Flat Festoon Cable (Neoprene)扁平式耐拉型天車電纜

    商品編號: LAPP-OLFLEX-CRANE-F-Flat, google, yahoo,

    LAPP OLFLEX CRANE F Flat Festoon Cable (Neoprene) 
    VDE 0250 (NGFLGÖU)扁平式耐拉型天車電纜

    OLFLEX® CRANE F is a flexible, oil resistant, neoprene jacketed festoon, power and control cable.

    Recommended Applications:
    For indoor and outdoor use on overhead crane and material handling systems.

    Application Advantage:
    • Weather and UV resistant jacket for extreme environmental conditions
    • Flame retardant jacket
    • May be used in continuous flex applications over a wide temperature range
    • The flat construction allows cables to be stacked for applications where space is at a premium

    Stranded bare copper conductors; rubber insulation; dry lubricant; black neoprene jacket.
     Neoflex Flat

    Minimum Bend Radius:   10 x cable thickness
    Temperature Range:   -25°C to +90°C
    Nominal Voltage:   300/500V  
    Conductor Stranding:   Fine wire per VDE 0295, Class 5, IEC 90228 Cl.5 or 6
    Color Code:  


      - up to 5 conductors:   VDE 0293-308, Chart 6
      - 6 or more conductors:   Black with white numbers plus a green/yellow ground
    Approvals:   Based on VDE 0250 (NGTLGOU)

    Old Part
    New Part
    Number of
    includes ground
    Nominal Outer
    Approx Weight
    inches mm lbs/mft kg/km
    16 AWG (85/34) 1.5 mm2
    41001 00410013 4 .220 x .661 5.6 x 16.8 159 235
    41002 00410023 5 .220 x .850 5.6 x 21.6 206 305
    41003 0041003 7 .220 x 1.102 5.6 x 28.0 265 392
    41004 0041004 8 .220 x 1.228 5.6 x 31.2 299 442
    41005 0041005 10 .248 x 1.566 5.6 x 39.8 311 460
    41006 0041006 12 .248 x 1.822 5.6 x 46.3 434 647
    14 AWG (140/34) 2.5 mm?/font>
    41007 00410073 4 .276 x .787 7.0 x 20.0 214 317
    41015 00410153 5 .276 x 1.000 7.0 x 25.4 264 390
    41008 0041008 7 .276 x 1.307 7.0 x 33.2 360 532
    41009 0041009 8 .276 x 1.456 7.0 x 37.0 408 603
    41020 0041020 12 .295 x 2.189 7.5 x 55.6 602 890
    12 AWG (224/34) 4 mm?/font>
    41010 00410103 4 .338 x 1.003 8.6 x 25.5 343 507
    41011 0041011 7 .338 x 1.665 8.6 x 42.3 576 852
    10 AWG (190/34) 6 mm2
    41012 00410123 4 .366 x 1.062 9.3 x 27.0 444 662
    41023 00410233 5 .366 x 1.401 9.3 x 35.6 500 740
    41024 0041024 7 .366 x 1.850 9.3 x 47.0 680 1005
    8 AWG (143/28) 10 mm2
    41013 00410133 4 .441 x 1.331 11.2 x 33.8 690 1028
    41021 00410213 5 .453 x 1.673 11.5 x 42.5 785 1170
    6 AWG (228/28) 16 mm2
    41014 00410143 4 .508 x 1.539 12.9 x 39.1 960 1430
    4 AWG (350/28) 25 mm2
    41025 00410253 4 .629 x 1.929 16.0 x 49.0 1269 1891
    2 AWG (495/28) 35 mm2
    41027 00410273 4 .661 x 2.047 16.8 x 52.0 1651 2460
    1 AWG (708/28) 50 mm2
    41029 00410293 4 .787 x 2.480 20.0 x 63.0 2272 3386
    2/0 AWG (560/26) 70 mm2
    41030 00410303 4 .858 x 2.716 21.8 x 69.0 3032 4480
    3/0 AWG (755/26) 95 mm2
    41031 00410313 4 .965 x 3.142 24.5 x 79.8 4020 5990