商品編號: IDA-3C-2V
3C2V (75-Ohm) JIS日本規格影視訊號傳輸同軸電纜
JIS Foamed Cable
50 & 75 Ohm LOW LOSS
Product Description :
Solid annealed copper conductor.
Foamed polyethylene insulation.
Double sides aluminum foil and Tinned
.... copper shield, l00% coverage.
Excellent performance in high frequency,
.... low signal, VSWR stability.
Applications :
5O Ohm cable suitable for radio transmission,
amateur radio and base radio antenna station.
75 Ohm cable suitable for TV system or
satellite receiver.
keyword: 3C2V, 3CFB, 5C-2V, 5CFB, JIS, 10CFB,日本規格,影視訊號傳輸,同軸電纜,google, canare, yahoo,佳耐美, Hosiwell,總代理商, |